Kids of all ages enjoy decorating the Breakers Point "Float" (truck with a trailer) to wave and throw candy to the crowds lining the streets in Cannon Beach

Kids of all ages enjoy decorating the Breakers Point "Float" (truck with a trailer) to wave and throw candy to the crowds lining the streets in Cannon Beach

Even Fido gets into the act. Hoping for a misplaced hot dog, no doubt

Even Fido gets into the act. Hoping for a misplaced hot dog, no doubt



Some folks stop in for a quick hot dog at the Fire Hall before heading back to Breakers Point to share in the Pot Luck barbecue. There is always plenty of good food and fun had by all!

Some folks stop in for a quick hot dog at the Fire Hall before heading back to Breakers Point to share in the Pot Luck barbecue. There is always plenty of good food and fun had by all!

Who doesn't love a big slice of good ole fashioned Americana?

Who doesn't love a big slice of good ole fashioned Americana?


Every year the homeowners meet over Labor Day weekend for the annual business meeting.

Saturday is for committee meetings, which is an opportunity to catch up on activities. 

Sunday morning is the annual business meeting, with Board elections.


Each summer, Breakers Point residents collect "like new" books to support the book sale fund raiser at the Library.