Ownership Opportunities — Breakers Point
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To live in a place that is filled with so much beauty and charm seems almost unbelievable.  Yet, many families are experiencing it right now at Breakers Point on the North Oregon Coast.  Owners believe this prime, oceanfront real estate to be a superb bargain and consider themselves fortunate to have discovered it.  In fact, several have owned multiple units over the years, buying and selling according to their current needs.  They choose to stay within the Breakers Point community over any other neighborhood in the area.  Speaks volumes about the appeal and stability of the association.  Come explore the raw beauty of this singularly magnificent beachfront community.  It will take your breath away.   We welcome you to call or visit any time.  The staff will be happy to give you a tour and answer any questions you have about our unique property.  For a full description of all the AMENITIES at our Clubhouse Click on the link below.  See you at the beach! 

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253 North Breakers Point Drive                

Cannon Beach, OR 97110

